Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced RTK Combo

The DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced RTK Combo has become the package to purchase when buying the Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced. Not only does it come with the RTK Module, it also comes with the Mavic 2 Fly More Kit, 128GB SD Card and a landing pad for drones, which is one of the most underrated pieces of equipment for RPAS missions. 

The Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced is has an impressive 640 x 512 px thermal camera, 48 MP Visual Camera with 32 x digital zoom and a long distance transmission range of up to 10 km. This is the latest enterprise drone from DJI and builds upon the success of the DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual and Zoom. 

What is most impressive about the Enterprise Advanced is the thermal camera where it has a frame rate of 30 Hz, a significant increase over 9Hz on the Dual. There is also an introduction of 16 x zoom and the thermal camera has a temperature measurement accuracy of +/ 2 degrees Celsius. 

With the addition of the RTK, you will achieve centimetre-level accuracy using the M2EA with the RTK Module. You will now be able to create up to 240 waypoints to conduct automated, detailed inspection mission in complex environments. 

Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced RTK Combo

1 x Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced 
1 x Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced RTK Module
1 x Mavic 2 Fly More Kit 
1 x 128GB Samsung SD Card 
1 x Landing Pad for Drones 

Why Buy This Bundle?

Mission planning is commonly used with the Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced and with the RTK module, you will get greater precision when flying (hovering becomes really stable, which is a must need when it comes to inspections and surveying) and the in-depth waypoints. This makes the RTK module a must have with the Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced and which is why we have bundled it in with other accessories at a very competitive price.  

Where to Buy This Bundle? 

This bundle is available exclusively from D1 Store where we can provide you a deal on this bundle. We also offer bulk quantity discounts if you need more than one combo. Call or email us today to find out more! 

(03) 9288 7859 

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